The vision of our laboratory is to create innovative biotechnologies to solve societal problems by analyzing, reconstructing, and applying extremely diverse biological functions, extending the framework of omics science, information science, and synthetic biology.
Reconstituting and redesigning life
Modern cell engineering uses living organisms as a chassis. This has two limitations. First, there are many black boxes in the living organism. Second, we have to follow the blueprint of their genome. Therefore, it is still a difficult task to manipulate life at will and create functions that go beyond nature.
Reconstituting life
More than 80 years have passed since the dawn of molecular biology, and our knowledge has grown enormously. On the other hand, there are still many black boxes in life. As a result, our knowledge is extremely fragmented, and free and flexible engineering of cells is still a difficult challenge.
To integrate fragmentary knowledge and understand the whole picture of biological systems, "reconstitution" is important. Reconstitution is important because the necessary and sufficient conditions for a biological system to function can only be determined by reconstitution. Reconstitution is also important for the creation of innovative biotechnologies. Restriction enzymes, GFP, PCR, optogenetics, genome editing, etc., have become universal tools with high improvability and portability because the necessary and sufficient conditions have been determined. Therefore, our laboratory is attempting to create innovative biotechnologies by reconstituting various microbial functions in vitro.
Redesigning life
In order to overcome the limitations of modern cell engineering and make it possible to freely design biological functions that go beyond nature, it is important to construct the simplest artificial cell with only the ability to self-replicate and create a new field of research called "evolutionary artificial cell engineering". If we can construct such artificial cells, we will be able to give them designer genes, gene networks, and genomes to freely manifest any phenotype as far as the laws of physics allow.
To create the simplest artificial cell, it is necessary to reconstitute the simplest operating system of life, the autonomous central dogma. Autonomous central dogma is a process that carries out four processes - transcription, translation, DNA replication, and ribosome self-replication - based on the information encoded in itself, and continues to replicate itself. Among the four processes of the autonomous central dogma, the reconstitution of transcription, translation, and DNA replication had been realized 60 years ago, but the reconstitution of ribosome self-replication was extremely difficult, and no one had succeeded. Recently, we have successfully reconstructed ribosome self-replication in vitro, achieving a major breakthrough in the creation of artificial life.

Understanding biological functions at the system level
Innovative biotechnology comes from a deep understanding of life. Therefore, we are developing next-generation omics technologies that can measure things that were previously unmeasurable, and applying these technologies to various biological phenomena to gain a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of life.
Data-driven analysis of biological phenomena through next-generation omics
Omics analysis is a methodology for the comprehensive understanding of biological phenomena. Omics analysis contributes greatly to the understanding of biological phenomena and the elucidation of disease mechanisms by comprehensively analyzing each level of life (DNA, RNA, proteins, metabolites, and cells). However, current omics analysis is limited in sensitivity and comprehensiveness, and it is not yet possible to comprehensively analyze all biological factors.
In order to gain a deeper understanding of biological phenomena, our laboratory is developing next-generation omics technologies that excel in sensitivity and comprehensiveness. A specific example is single molecule proteomics using nanopores. Next-generation sequencing has succeeded in comprehensively analyzing DNA and RNA at the single-molecule level and has transformed the life sciences. However, no such method exists for proteins, which carry out biological functions, and this is a major bottleneck in life sciences. In our lab, we have succeeded in comprehensively analyzing proteins at the single-molecule level by using proteins that form microscopic holes called nanopores. In addition, our lab is attempting to model complex biological phenomena with high accuracy by applying machine learning techniques, such as Gaussian process regression, to the massive data sets generated by omics. By integrating and applying these technologies, it is becoming possible to understand various biological phenomena in a data-driven manner.

Data-driven microbiome analysis
Microorganisms are a group of organisms with extremely diverse functions. Microbes with unique functions exist in every environment on Earth, including high-pressure, hyperthermal, anaerobic, and aerobic environments. In addition, animals and plants exist as superorganisms that live in symbiosis with the microflora, and individual-microflora interactions play an important role in their survival. However, methods for comprehensive analysis of such diverse microorganisms are still lacking, and many black boxes remain. Our laboratory is attempting to systematically elucidate functions of the microflora through next-generation omics technologies.

Creating innovative biotechnologies
We are creating various biotechnologies by applying the methodologies of "understanding biological functions at the system level" and "understanding biological functions constitutively".
Reinventing biological polymers
Ribosomes polymerize 20 natural amino acids according to the genetic code to produce a wide variety of proteins. If the catalytic activity of the ribosome could be modified, it would greatly expand the range of polymer species available to humankind. However, modifying the catalytic activity of the ribosome has been a difficult task because the ribosome is an essential factor for life.
We are attempting to reinvent biological polymers by applying the in vitro ribosome self-replication technology that our laboratory has developed. Our in vitro ribosome self-replication technology allows the construction of any artificial ribosome simply by introducing mutations in the ribosomal gene that serves as the starting material. If this technology can create superior artificial ribosomes at will, it is expected to greatly expand the polymer space available to humankind. For example, the ability to synthesize non-natural polymer libraries with excellent membrane permeability and pharmacokinetics will lead to the creation of next-generation drugs. In addition, the ability to efficiently polymerize ester bonds instead of peptide bonds is expected to lead to the creation of a wide variety of bioplastics.

Creating the next generation of antibodies
Nanobodies, the variable regions of heavy chain antibodies, are emerging as one of the next generation of antibodies due to their superior tissue penetration and productivity while having the same affinity as conventional antibodies.
Phage and yeast displays are commonly used for high-throughput evaluation of nanobody binding ability. However, nanobodies immobilized on carriers such as phage or yeast have the disadvantage that they often exhibit profiles that differ from those in the free state.
Therefore, we are developing a novel methodology, peptide barcoding, which allows high-throughput characterization of free nanobodies. Based on this technology, we have founded Barcodebody, a biotech company dedicated to nanobody discovery. Numerous joint development projects with academia and industry are currently underway.

オミックス, ゲノム, トランスクリプトーム, プロテオーム, メタボローム, セローム, 情報科学, 合成生物学, データ駆動型サイエンス, 微生物, 微生物叢, 人工細胞, 人工生命, リボソーム, 中分子医薬, 代謝工学, バイオものづくり, ナノボディ, 抗体, ナノポア