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卒業研究/大学院研究に興味をお持ちの皆様へ Interested in undergrad/grad study?

 The mission of our laboratory is to educate students to become world-class professionals. Conducting excellent research is part of this process.
 Our laboratory is committed to supporting those who want to become highly qualified and provide them with a suitable first step on their career path. We know that our training program is relatively hard because it is not easy to acquire the ability to compete in the world. This is because the ability to compete on the world stage is not something that is easily acquired. However, the resulting skills will certainly be useful in whatever career path you choose in the future. In the Master's program, we hope that students will acquire the ability to independently conduct scientific research and presentations at a high level, and in the Ph.D. program, we hope that students will acquire the skills and qualifications necessary to lead science globally.
 If you are interested in doing undergraduate/graduate study in our lab, please review the following link to see if you might fit into our code of conduct, educational policies, and training programs.
行動模範・教育ポリシー・教育プログラム/Code of conduct, educational policies, and training programs2022/11/2 22:432025/1/5 13:18
 If you wish to enter our graduate school from other than Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University, please contact Wataru by email in advance with a subject line starting with “TORA.” In the email, please attach your CV.

博士研究員に興味をお持ちの皆様へ Interested in doing a postdoc?

 We are looking for members who are willing to take on the challenge of developing innovative biotechnologies together with us. If you are interested in joining our lab as a postdoc (JSPS Research Fellow, etc.), please email Wataru with a subject line starting with “TORA.” In the email, please attach your CV.